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Kolding gymnasium

Student handbook

Dear new student – Welcome to KG

This student handbook contains a wealth of information which you will  find useful both when you commence your studies at Kolding Gymnasium, and in the years ahead of your studies here.I hope you get off to a good start and enjoy your time here.

Best wishes

Sune Hother Petersen, Principal

The First School Day

The school year begins on Monday 12th August 2024

The programme for the first day of school (first year students) is as follows:

Kl. 09.15

Welcome in the canteen by the Principal and students

Kl. 09.35

New classes meet with their class teacher team (presentations and timetable)

Kl. 11.20 – 11.50


Kl. 11.50 – 12.20

New classes meet again in their classroom. Distribution of textbooks.

Kl. 12.20 – 13.20

Class activities with tutors .

You will be allocated many textbooks so it would be a good idea to have an extra bag with you in order to carry these home. Remember to bring writing equipment and paper, your computer, charger, snacks and lunch, or make use of our excellent canteen.

From Tuesday 13th August: Normal timetable of lessons which you can see in Lectio

Starting your studies


All new students will be photographed in August. The schedule for photographing will be displayed in Lectio. Beforehand, you will receive a form and must fill in the information required, sign it and bring this with you to the photographer.


On the first Friday you will take part in an Intro-day we call ‘Tour De Kolding” along with the other new 1g and Pre-IB classes. There will be a variety of activities and competitions and the days ends with refreshments back at KG.   

In September there is an intro-tour for the new Pre-IB classes.


In September there is an intro-tour for the new Pre-IB classes which includes a one night stay over in cosy accommodation in Hejlsminde. The trip focuses on team-building activities which will help you to bond with the other students in the year group. 


KG’s Sports Day will be held on Friday 6th September. All three qualifications, HF, STX and IB, compete against each other across all year groups in their classes.  

It is fun and memorable day which is not to be missed! The students also compete for the prize of being best ‘fancy’ dressed. 

IB welcome party

On Thursday 29th August we host the annual “IB Welcome Party” which is a day attended by old and new IB students where the focus is welcoming new students as well as celebrating our graduates. The new 3i students organise and plan the activities, make the food and arrange the evening’s entertainment. 

Fun afternoon

Friday 23th August all 1st year students will meet for a cozy afternoon, with different fun activities. The day ends with a shared meal and we go home at 18:30. 


Our student tutors from 2g/2i are allocated to each new 1g and Pre IB class. Their task is to support you at the beginning of the school year, and to help you adjust to life as a gymnasium student, both academically and socially. The same student tutors will be attached to specific classes throughout your first year at KG, so you can build up a trusting relationship with them. Our hope is that you will have student peers you can turn to if you have questions or concerns. 

Classroom and building overview

Below is a map of the school which shows both where the key staff departments are located, how the school is divided into sections and classrooms and where the different facilities can be found. 

IB office

IB coordinator Jacob Spangsberg Day og IB assistent/student counselor Ritt Sønnichsen

Vice Principal

Jesper Kristensen

Head of HF Department

Peter Høtbjerg Nielsen

Head of STX Department

Una Eriksen




The administration office can answer most of your questions, they also provide band-aids or pads should you need them.

SPS og Literacy Counsellor


Mette Ulrich 

Student counsellors


Student counsellor


IT Support

RIFET BEGIC RB@kolding-gym-dk


The canteen’s selection includes sandwiches, filled baguettes, salads, hot dishes, various drinks, fruit and confectionery. You can pay with card or MobilePay.


The fitness room can be used for a fee of 400 dkk/year. Fitness is open on schooldays from 7:00-16:30

N-sector (Science)

Classrooms and laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology

Ø-sector (East)

Geography and foreign languages classrooms.

M-sector (Middle)

Media and drama suites and classrooms.

V-sector (West)

Classrooms, IB-office and student counsellors

K-sector (Arts)

Art and Design and Music rooms

S-sector (Sports hall)

Collection of and returning books.

You will receive many books during your time at KG. It is important that you follow the procedures below:

  • You must sign for the books you receive in class. It is important that you only sign if you have received the book.
  • Always write your name, class and school year in the book. This is important as it is the only way we can identify the book as yours and register when you return it.
  • If you lose or damage a book, you will have to pay for it.
  • You’re not permitted to collect books from the book cellar, not even if it is open. You must always contact your teacher or the school office.
Check your loans. 

In Lectio you can click on BOGDEPOT (when logged-in) and see which books are registered in your name. It’s a good idea to check, once in a while, whether you might need to return a book. Also check that your mail and telephone details are still correct, so we can send you any messages about the return of books.

If you have any questions about books, you’re always welcome to ask your teacher or Charlotte Rendboe at the administration office. 

Extracurricular Activities


Excursions may feature as a supplement to lessons in any subject. All students will be offered the opportunity of a longer excursion. Students will normally be expected to meet all excursion expenses, such as for hotels and meals, entrance tickets and transport.
Class teachers will provide more detailed information on excursions.


For an annual fee of 400 kr students of the school may use the Fitness Room (at their own risk) at published times. For students joining on 1st January, the half-year fee is 200kr. In order to use the Fitness Room you will need to take a users’ course with one of the PE teachers and sign an undertaking to observe the rules for use.


A Friday café is held 4 times a year. Here students from across the school meet up to chat, play and listen to music. The Friday café is organised by a group of students who plan and run the café. If this might be something for you, keep an eye out for announcements seeking new members in lectio and at morning assemblies.


In MUN meetings, students simulate the work and discussions of the United Nations, ie: by discussing global and international political problems and challenges by taking the positions of particular countries. The debates are in English, so, this offers the opportunity not only to engage in exciting political debates with other young people, but also to nurture students’ global awareness and not least their English skills. At least twice a year, students participate in conferences with other schools both in Denmark and abroad.


Every year the students organize a school drama/musical production. Rehearsals in music and drama take place in the autumn, and the production is performed over several days in January. Many students are needed to mount the production – both in performing and behind the scenes with lighting, sound, costumes, make up and much more.

See our film about the musical here


In the afternoons there are a number of opportunities during the school year to take part in activities across the three educations and year groups, for example, volleyball, football, basketball, boxing, yoga, music, board games or computer games. Only your imagination can limit the possibilities, as we arrange activities to meet students’ wishes. In music you can get permission to use the music rooms, and for sports activities you can use the sports hall and fitness room. In some ball games the school also takes part in national tournaments, so you can get to come out and play against other schools.


KG’s school magazine is called ”Spanskrøret”. Students are responsible for the production, editing and establishment of journalistic coverage. This is an opportunity to write about both entertaining and serious issues, always with respect for others who are associated to the school. If the school magazine might be something for you, keep an eye out for announcements seeking new members in lectio and at morning assemblies.

STUDy groups

If you and other students think that there is a particular subject topic or area that you find really exciting to work with, there is the opportunity to start a study group, where, together with one or more teacher, you can delve deeper into the subject together.


SVADA is the name of KG’s student association. SVADA arranges four student parties at the school each year. The parties are planned and manned by the SVADA committee, which consists of students drawn from all three educations and year groups. If SVADA might be something for you, keep an eye out for announcements seeking new members in Lectio and at morning assemblies.

The green group

If you are engaged with environmental issues and want to make KG a “Green School”, then join the Green Group. Keep an eye on Lectio for meeting times.

The Student Council

The Student Council at KG consists of one representative from each class, elected at the start of each school year. The council represents the students’ interests within the school and is therefore represented in all of the relevant school committees and the school’s board of governors. In this way, a member of the Student Council has real influence on the daily life of the school. The Student Council has meetings approximately once a month, where attitudes to current issues are discussed.

In addition to exercising influence, the Student Council is a good place to get to know students from all three courses and year groups at KG. So, if you’re looking for influence and team spirit, the Student Council is the place for you.

Representatives of the Student Council will come round the new classes in the early part of the school year to explain the work of the Student Council and the opportunities that students have to influence what happens in school.

Information for parents


Students of the school should ensure that they have their own insurance cover for accidental injury, personal effects etc. In the case of theft from a student (for example a cycle or moped) the claim should be made directly to the student’s own or parents’ insurance company. If you use your own car for an excursion or other purpose, any accidents or damage should be referred to the car’s insurers, as the school has no liability in such circumstances.


All parents and students in their first year at KG will be invited to a Parents’ Meeting in September. Here you will hear from the school’s directors of studies, student counsellors and teachers about how the course will develop. 


In February parent consultation meetings will be held for parents of students in 1g and Pre-IB. These provide an opportunity for discussing students’ progress in individual subjects with the subject teachers. Students are welcome to take part in these consultations.

Other informations


If you are injured during the school day and need to go to the emergency room, you should contact your teacher or the administration office.

Students of the school should ensure that they have their own insurance cover for accidental injury, personal effects etc.


Students who have reached the age of 18 are considered as adults and from that point all communication from the school is directly with the student.

Parents of students who are under the age of 18 will be kept informed about grades and any sanctions that may be applied for excessive absence from school. Students under the age of 18 are not permitted to decide to withdraw from STX, HF or IB without their parents’ written consent.


Pre-IB students receive grades three times a year. Until you are 18, your parents have the right to see your grades in Lectio. They can request access by contacting the schools administration office.

IB Diploma students in 2i receive progress report booklets in December and June. The June report also includes the grades for end of year exams. 3i students receive progress report booklets in November and mock exam reports in March. Your parents will also be sent your grades up until the point that you are aged 18.


All students should equip themselves with an appropriate calculator.

IB students will be informed about the types of calculators that are approved by IBO. The school offers the possibility for wholesale purchase of calculators at the beginning of the school year.


From time to time it is necessary to cancel a scheduled lesson, for example if a teacher is sick, has compassionate leave, is taking part in a course, or something similar.

Cancellations can be necessary to accommodate other school activities at specific times. Such cancellations are allowed for in the advance planning of the school year. A surplus of lessons is built-in to the plan; ie, more lessons than will actually be necessary. In this way, cancellations can be accommodated, without being at the expense of teaching, and we can ensure that all classes receive the lessons needed to fulfil the designated annual norms.


Brian Therp is the manager of the school canteen, and he makes sure that you don’t need to go hungry while in school. The canteen’s selection includes sandwiches, filled baguettes, salads, hot dishes, various drinks, fruit and confectionery. You can pay with card or MobilePay.


Students who wish to complain about any educational decisions taken by the school should contact the Principal for further guidance.


It is necessary to bring your own laptop/pad to take part in lessons. 
The whole school is covered by a very fast and efficient wireless network. The network is called “SKOLENET”. You will be given your own personal user name and password, which are prerequisites for accessing the school’s computers and the wireless network. You will also have access to Office 365 where you can save essays, notes etc.

Any problems with the school’s IT equipment or wireless network will be looked after by Rifet Begic. The school does not deal with any problems you may have with your own personal computer.


Each class is allocated a counsellor who provides advice to students on both academic and non-academic matters. At the beginning of the school year the counsellors work with subject teachers in providing a course on study skills. Soon after there will be introductory interviews on an individual basis with all students. In the course of the year, counsellors will also introduce the optional subjects available in the second year in gymnasium, HF and IB and explain the process for choosing them, as well as giving information about opportunities in higher education and employment and talking about examinations. You are welcome to talk to your counsellor at any time. Their offices are in Vg1 and V2.


Every year we hold a big party for all the school’s students and parents where we celebrate the foundation of the school in 1542.

DOT is the biggest party of the year, to which students and parents are invited. The evening starts for the graduates at Koldinghus, where the students dance. The party continues at KG with dinner and music. 

See our video about DOT here


Should you wish to seek leave of absence, you must apply to the Principal, Sune Hother Petersen, or the IB Coordinator, Jacob Spangsberg Day. Leave of absence will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. This means that you may not seek leave for things like dental appointments, driving lessons, driving tests, paid employment, sports matches or holiday trips outside the normal school holiday periods.


Lectio is the programme that the school uses for all information about timetables, changes to timetables, assignments, homework, grades, attendance records and much more. It is important that you check Lectio every day.

LEKTIECAFÉ/The homework café

The homework café runs once a week throughout most of the school year. We start at the beginning of September and end in early May. Homework help is available for Mathematics, and for other subjects if there is a demand. The homework club is manned by teachers and elder students. Details about time and place will be published in Lectio.


The Literacy Counsellors’ job is to help those students who may have problems (large or small) with reading or writing. Students can choose to contact the Literacy Counsellor in C2 on their own initiative or on the advice of a teacher. The Literacy Counsellors have two functions: to advise and to instruct. If you are offered instruction by the literacy counsellor this will normally be on an individual basis or in small groups – wherever possible outside of the normal timetabled lessons. You can contact the literacy counsellor Mette Ulrich (MUL) in C2. The counsellor can also help you if you are dyslexic.


You can rent a locker at the school for 150 DKK per school year. If you have any questions regarding the lockers, feel free to contact Mylocker. 

Book your locker here

Morning assembly

A morning assembly is held in the canteen every second week or as and when there is a need for one. The students who are members of the morning assembly committee arrange and compere the assemblies together with the school’s principal.


There are photocopying machines for the use of students outside M and N sectors. You can copy or print by using the chip you will be given at the start of the year. Everyone receives an allocation of 400 “clips” to cover a year’s use for essays, assignments and reports. 1 black & white copy counts for one clip. A colour print/copy costs 4 clips. Once you have used up your 400 “clips”, you can purchase further “clips” from the school office. One clip costs 1 krone, with a minimum purchase of 25 clips.


Physical Education lessons are compulsory for Pre-IB classes. It is a requirement that students arrive at lessons appropriately dressed. Students who forget their PE kit or have an injury, will be required to observe the lesson and take notes. Full or partial exemption from participation in physical activities in Physical Education lessons, either in the short term or longer term, requires a medical certificate from a doctor. The doctor must indicate to what degree the exemption should apply and for how long. The student is responsible for paying the fee for the certificate. However, if the reason for being unable to participate in activities is self-evident, no medical certificate will be necessary. 


All students have a responsibility to inform themselves fully about the school’s Procedures, Code
of Conduct and regulations, which can be found on the school’s web-site – under “ABC på KG” Procedures, Code of Conduct and regulations set the legal parameters for how you must behave in school. The main points in the Procedures, Code of Conduct and regulations are quite simple and deal with using your common sense: as a student at KG you need to take school seriously, (arrive on time, do your homework, observe academic honesty etc.) and basically behave properly. This is no problem for most students, but if you cannot live up to these expectations, there are various sanctions that the school can employ. All this is detailed in the Procedures, Code of Conduct and regulations. 


Like all other youth educations, the school day is “smoke free” at KG. This means that students may not smoke during the period from the start of their first timetabled lesson and the last timetabled lesson each day – typically from 08.00 to 15.00. This “smoke-free school day” applies whether you are in the school grounds or outside of them. Infringement of this policy can lead to sanctions as a breach of the school’s Procedures, Code of Conduct and regulations.


If you have difficulties with spelling or reading, for example due to dyslexia, you may be entitled to support in the form of an IT-rucksack from the SPS scheme, which includes a laptop computer with special programmes. You can also seek SPS support if you have a physical or psychological condition that limits normal function. You should contact your student counsellor in the first instance, who will refer each individual case to the SPS organisation.

Read more about SPS  here

STUDent card

All new students will be issued with a Student Card during the course of September. This card is valid for the whole period of your studies at KG.

In order to get a student card, you’ll need to get photographed when Dansk Skolefoto is visiting in August. 


Students have a responsibility to tidy up after themselves when they are at school. This applies both to classrooms and the communal areas. Students should put up their chairs at the end of each lesson, unless they will be in the same room again after the break.


You can get significant dis-counts by purchasing an
“ungdomskort”. You should apply for this card through Please note that there is a minimum of two weeks between application and processing of the application.

Information about SU


Everyone who is following a youth education programme can get a grant from the State Education Grant and Loan Scheme in Denmark (SU), once they are over the age of 18. The grant is first paid from the beginning of the quarter following the student’s 18th birthday. If, for example, your birthday is 2nd January, you will only first receive support from 1st April.

If you are 20 years old or more, you can get a higher rate Those living on their own and under the age of 20, may in certain circumstances receive a dispensation from the age qualification. This dispensation may be given if:

  1. Your parents live a long way from the school (at least 20 kilometres, or 75 minutes’ journey by public transport)
  2. The student has been living independently for a year before he/she qualified for an educational grant in the current course of study
  3. If there is a particularly unusual situation in the home. This may be to do with housing conditions or general social relationships.

The 18-19 year old’s minimum grant may be augmented by a supplementary grant, depending on parents’ income. This is based on gross income, with adjustments if there are younger brothers or sisters.
If you receive SU, you must also take note that there are limits to how much you can earn from part-time work before your SU will be reduced.

Check the rates and how to apply for SU and loans in, or contact Anja Kristensen in the administration office. 

Contact information

Kolding Gymnasium, Skovvangen 10, 6000 Kolding

Telephone number: 76 33 96 00 (also for connections to the Principal, Directors of Studies, student counsellors, canteen etc.)

Bank account number: 02164069030866
